Monday, March 24, 2008

Opportunity to Get involved in Planning National GLBT Conference

Hello friends, activists and educators,

Some of you may know that I am involved with the planning of a 2009 queer college leadership and social justice Summit. The Stonewall Campus Leadership Summit will be held June 2009 at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Campus. The Summit is a program of the Minnesota GLBTA Campus Alliance, a group that works for equality and justice on issues of gender and sexuality on college campuses in the state of Minnesota helping to create welcoming and affirming campuses for GLBTA students, staff and faculty.
The Summit was born out of momentum following the 2007 Midwest BLGTA College Conference here in Minnesota. Many of us felt we needed more; we wanted to take our activism to the next step. We envisioned a space where student activists, the future of our social justice movements, could come together and polish our leadership and activism skills. The Summit will not be just another queer campus conference; it will be a 4-day activist community that prepares leaders to take action in their community.
40 years after Stonewall, college leaders will have a chance to revitalize the movement by honoring the past, looking to the future and preparing ourselves to organize at the intersection of our many identities. Our hope is that participants will leave The Summit as stronger campus leaders who are prepared to continue their social justice work in broader communities after graduation.
Initial planning conversations have taken place during the last year, but now is the time to get the details set. I am seeking to create a programming committee who can help to prepare curriculum and programs for The Summit. I highly respect the work you all have done and would love for you to be a part of this process. Are you interested in helping to plan The Summit? The Summit needs experienced educators and activists like you to create the strongest programming possible.
Once I have compiled a list of folks interested in helping with this process I will send out a meeting survey to schedule the first programming committee meeting. I hope you will be able to help with this effort. Please let me know by April 1 if you are interested in being a part of the programming committee. Feel free to forward this to anyone you know who may be interested in this work.

Thank you very much,
Alfonso Wenker
Director of Programming
Stonewall Campus Leadership Summit
Minnesota GLBTA Campus Alliance