Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fw: Ten Days Left to Apply for Soulforce Q Camp - Free LGBTQA Activist Training

Dear Friends:

There are just about ten days left to apply for Soulforce Q Camp, a free summer retreat that will assist grassroots LGBTQ and allied activists in their work for justice and collective liberation.

Dates: July 14-23, 2009
Location: Austin, TX at the Alma de Mujer Center for Social Change
Website and Application:
Application Deadline: May 15, 2009
Cost: Soulforce Q Camp, including travel, is free to its participants

If you are working in a rural or conservative area of the world, this camp is for you. If you are doing underecognized or controversial local activism, this camp is for you. If you have a great idea and want to make it happen with collective support, this camps is for you. If you are outside the mainstream institutional support but have passion to create change, this camp is for you.Our 10-day training course is a time of learning, skill-sharing, studying, practicing and planning.

Topics include:
nonviolent activism from the youth perspectivescriptural skills for doing work with conservative religious communitiesanti-oppression organizing skills with a focus on anti-racist workgender and transgender awareness and involvementmedia and fundraising workfacilitation and community leadershipnetworking and community buildingand more!

Soulforce Q Camp is not only the time we spend together - Soulforce Q will provide a stipend and continued staff support to assist you in leading your local projects and events.

We welcome applicants age 18 to 30 (as of July 14, 2009) of all genders, orientations, faith or non-faith backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, education and class backgrounds, abilities, nationalities, and intersectional interests.

Feel free to forward this information.

Please contact with any questions.


Haven Herrin--
Director of Soulforce Q2000
Grand Avenue, #2
Minneapolis, MN 55405469-867-5725