Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lavender Bridge Meeting Notes 3-19

Here are the notes that I compiled from today's meeting.

In order to help rebuild the organization and to attract more members we have decided to pursue the following options:

  • Will approach The Metropolitan to find out about the possibility of doing an article or press release about the organization
  • Will continue to pursue sending and HTML email to all currently enrolled students about changes in office structure and student organization.
  • Will talk to Student Senate about helping to get the word out about Lavender Bridge
  • Start Blogger Page as an alternative to static website that is difficult to manage
  • Schedule a Potluck for April 9th @ 4:30 pm
  • Look at starting group for MN AIDS Walk on May 18th


Jeanne said...

This blog is a great idea. But may I offer some advice as someone who contributes to and/or manages several blogs?

You can create traffic TO your blog by commenting on other blogs. The blogosphere is a community--I've connected to people all over the world by blogging. In addition, create MYSPACE and FACEBOOK identities and pages and post the blog there.

