Thursday, November 6, 2008

Statewide Photo Contest Announced by MN Tobacco-free Lavender Communities

Living Tobacco-free LGBT: A Picture of Health

Statewide Photo Contest Announced by MN Tobacco-free Lavender Communities

According to recent studies, members of the broader LGBT population are 40-70% more likely to smoke than non-LGBT persons. And, LGBT youth are taking up smoking at an alarming rate. In fact, a recent national survey found that 45% of females and 35% of males smoke compared with 29% of straight youth surveyed.

Why? Many psycho-social factors figure into the trend. First, LGBT persons, especially youth, find themselves part of a consumer niche tobacco companies target with advertising. Second, they face higher levels of social stress which can lead to the desire to smoke and many LGBT organizations and events gain much needed financial support and funding from tobacco companies which stipulate that their products be promoted in exchange for funding.

“But there is another untold story. It is one that’s more positive and affirming,” Rainbow Health Initiative’s [RHI] Director of Programs, Loretta Worthington—the lead agency for MN Tobacco-free Lavender Communities [TLC.] “Often times, LGBT persons are portrayed as a community more at-risk for substance abuse, hate crimes, depression, STDs and so forth. And while those statistics are very real and cannot be ignored we also are a community filled with positive role models for tobacco-free, healthy lifestyles,” she adds.

That’s why TLC is announcing—in time for the annual Gay American Smoke Out held in conjunction with this year’s American Cancer Society’s Great American Smoke Out. November 18—a photo contest called, Living Tobacco-free LGBT: A Picture of Health. “We want LGBT Minnesotans to submit photos depicting healthy living in our communities so that more of us will see positive role models that reinforce a more affirming narrative about us as individuals and as a larger community,” says Worthington.

Judges will then select winning entries to be used on the organization’s website, in a photography book and other products and publications. For more information on the contest visit, and click on the photo contest page.

*Rainbow Health Initiative is the lead agency for MN Tobacco-free Lavender Communities.

This project is funded by MN Tobacco-free Lavender Communities