Friday, March 27, 2009

Trans Participants Needed for Research to Improve Therapy Experiences

Do you identify as transgender? Have you had previous experiences in 
therapy? If so, you may qualify to participate in a voluntary research 
study that is being conducted to:

* give voice to the transgender experience
* to help mental health practitioners provide more informed care

The purpose of this study is to use information gathered through 
personal interviews in efforts to explore the unique experiences of the 
transgender population. Information gathered will specifically address 
what those who identify as transgender consider a baseline set of 
knowledge mental health practitioners should have about the lives of 
transgender people, as well as what has been beneficial and/or 
detrimental in past therapeutic experiences.

- Must identify as transgender and be between the ages of 18-65.
- Must have had at least one previous experience in therapy and attended 
at least 5 sessions.
- Be willing to complete a 60-120 minute interview.

Participation in this study may involve some risk to the participant. 
Participants will be asked to discuss personal information that could 
result in emotional distress. Participants can refuse to answer any 
question or opt out of the interview/study at any time. Participants are 
given the opportunity to edit the transcription of the interview if they 
feel it is inaccurate or breeches confidentiality in any way. Due to the 
potential for emotional response, referrals for counseling will be 
provided in the consent form.

This research is being conducted to partially fulfill requirements for 
the Psy.D Counseling Psychology program at the University of St. Thomas. 
If you are interested in participating please contact:

Anna Fox